One-to-one and small group tutoring sessions
Sarah Bullock
I am passionate about education, teaching, learning, academia and the pastoral wellbeing of children aged 4 to 11. In 2007, I completed my Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) qualification in Thailand whereby I taught in schools across Bangkok, this is where found my love for teaching and learning. I returned to the UK to complete my Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) at Newcastle University. I have had the privilege of teaching in schools in both the independent and state section, whereby I have taught across the primary age range. I have experience in both key stage 1 and key stage 2 SATs, experience as Assistant Head Teacher and have lead subjects such as English, mathematics, science, geography and personal, social, health education (PSHE).

Subjects covered
One-to-one and small group tutoring sessions

Reading – word reading including phonics, comprehension. Writing – Transcription including spelling and handwriting, composition, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Speaking and listening.

Number including place value, addition, subtraction multiplication, division, fractions and times tables.
Geometry including shape, position, direction and movement.
Ratio and proportion and algebra.
Specialise in
One-to-one and small group tutoring sessions

Reading & comprehension
Reading – word reading including phonics, comprehension.

Writing – Transcription including spelling and handwriting, composition, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Speaking and listening.

Phonics/ spelling
Effective systematic synthetic phonics teaching using programmes such as Letters & Sound, Twinkl Phonics, Jolly Phonics and Read, Write, Inc.

Building the knowledge of grammar is best achieved through a focus on reading, writing and speaking. Pupils will learn this by focusing on words, sentences, text, punctuation and learning different grammatical terminology.

Number including place value, addition, subtraction multiplication, division, fractions and times tables.
Geometry including shape, position, direction and movement.
Ratio and proportion and algebra.

Includes counting, number bonds, puzzles, times tables, solving problems mentally. Mental mathematical strategies include numerical sense, additive decomposition, subitization, decomposition strategies, jump strategy.
Work With Me
My philosophy of education focuses on each child and their individual educational needs: the teaching strategies to help the child achieve their highest potential, the development of positive character traits which are essential in becoming a productive citizen in today’s society; and parental involvement in their child’s mental, physical and emotional development. The most important concept, which I recognise, is the uniqueness of each individual child and their educational needs. I make it my personal mission to seek out every child’s strengths and areas for development so that I can facilitate independent challenge and create a nurturing environment.